Your Local Councillors

Cllr darren woodiwiss, mkt harborough – welland
Darren has lived in the Welland ward since 1997 and is the father of three. He cares passionately about the environment and sustainability, and was a cofounder for Transition town market harborough and a voluntary director of Harborough Energy.
Darren joined the Green Party in 2015 as he had always wanted the option to vote Green and it was the only party with the policies he supported.
He is a member of the cabinet and is portfolio holder for Environmental and Climate change.

Cllr dr lynne taylor, market harborough – welland
Lynne joined the Green Party in 2021 after becoming increasingly concerned that other parties were not responding urgently to the Climate Crisis and were failing all of our futures and the futures of our children and grandchildren.
Lynne is passionate about protecting and maintaining public services, and this is one of the main reasons she joined the Green Party. Lynne has worked in the NHS children mental health for 18 years. She believes that everyone has the right to have free, and excellent health care and social care when they need it.

cllr rose foreman, market harborough – welland
Rose has been interested in environmental issues since she was a teenager. She studied politics at university and then completed a master’s degree in Human Rights Law.
Rose joined The Green Party around the 2015 election as she felt that we best represent her values. She has worked for a local charity as well as housing and homelessness at local councils. She is passionate about helping others and protecting the environment
Your Local Officers

darren woodiwiss, membership & coordination
Darren helped reorganise the Leicestershire Green party and established the local Harborough, Oadby and Wigston party in which he has consistently held posts.
He believes that you need to be the change you want to see.

mary stanhope-morgan, membership/2nd officer
Mary lives in a farm on the ourskirts of Harborough. She has a background in food development and worked with Jamie Oliver on his school meals project.
Mary is a keen environmentalist and equestrian.

stephen rankine, treasurer
Stephen is a retired financial director with a keen interest in the environment and building a better future for his grandchildren,
Stephen volunteers with Harborough Woodlands and the wildlife trust, helping to build a better environment for our community.

james Bayliss, coordinator for oadby & wigston
James has lived in Oadby and Wigston for the past 12 years, but he have been visiting and staying in the borough since 1992. He had been studying politics since 2005 gaining two degrees (BA politics 2012 & MA in international relations in 2018)
Despite having multiple disabilities, James is determined to overcome any challenge he faces. He is passionate about bringing welfare and environmental reform, making the local area, a more prosperous and safer place for all to live and work.

mandy sanders, fundraiser & membership
I am passionate about the environment and protecting our countryside. Throughout my life and especially since moving to Leicestershire 36 years ago, I have loved spending time in the outdoors – walking, cycling and riding.
As a student in the 1980s, I followed the emergence of the Green Party with interest and ever since I have supported environment charities like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth.
My working life began as a journalist until 20 years ago when I swapped to working for charities as a fundraiser. My current job is with The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

Patrick Barlow, Coordinator for Kibworth
I grew up on a family dairy, beef and arable farm, and have a BSc in Agriculture, so I know that large scale rewilding is not feasible for most famers. There is much that can be done though with public spaces, allotments and gardens.
I was an accountant for most of my career, advising on fund raising, buying and selling businesses, working with other professionals.
I’m now retired, spending my time feeding mice, slugs and caterpillars with the produce on our allotment. I support Leicester Tigers and live in hope that the glory days will return.